Sunday, 14 February 2016

MY FATHER, MY LECTURER, MY MENTOR - Jeta Amata celebrates father @ 65

University don and actor Zack Amata who got  popular first with his role in the 90s as Baba Efe in Mirror in the Sun, the soap opera that ran for several years on Nigeria Television Authority  (NTA) clocks 65 today.

Jeta Amata his son who has produced some big budget movies locally and internationally seized the auspicious occasion of his father's birthday to celebrate him as his mentor.

The tribute which was posted on installation and shared on other social media platforms goes thus;

"When I was 10, he came home one day and said I had to convert a toy car I had to a remote control plane. We worked in it for 6 months. In the university, he reduced an A to a B in his course just because I was a few minutes late to a couple of his classes, and when I wanted to direct my first film at 21, he abandoned everything so he could be there and get directed by me. "

" He's always my most professional and most loyal artist on set. He practiced what he preached and made me the man I am today."

"At 9, I was great in chess, I had the formula for every mathematical equation on the wall of my room, I could build all sorts of things, I could play a bit of the guitar and piano, I cooked my own meals".

"At 10, he sold the TV in the house and said the reason was because he wanted me to want it so much that I would work hard to buy my own as a teenager. I did, I also bought him one my first year in the university, at 21, I hired him as an actor and he's appeared on 8 of my films while I've acted in one of his and also directed a TV series for him. This is real life mentorship. "

" Happy 65th to Zack Amata, my father, lecturer and mentor."

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